Nail Care

Pedi #1 


Nails are trimmed and filed, moisture application, and polish or buff nails.

Pedi #


Nails trimmed and filed, basic cuticle care, feet filed and smoothed, foot exfoliation, hot towels, moisture and polish application. Note: If you suffer from ingrown nails, nail fungus, or heavily calloused areas your treatment may be modified to focus on the troubled areas. 

Pedi #3  


Nails trimmed and filed, complete cuticle care, feet filed and smoothed, foot lower leg exfoliation, hot towels, lower leg massage, and polish application. Note: If you suffer from ingrown nails, nail fungus, or heavily calloused areas your treatment may be modified to focus on the troubled areas. 

Pedi #4    


Nails trimmed and filed, complete cuticle care, feet filed and smoothed, foot lower leg exfoliation, hot towels, hot stone massage, lower leg massage, foot mask in warm heating mitts, and polish application. Note: If you suffer from ingrown nails, nail fungus, or heavily calloused areas, your treatment may be modified to focus on the troubled areas. 



Nails are trimmed and filed, cuticles pushed and cleaned, moisture applied, and polished or buff nails.